html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> I Need an Invention, Intention, to stop Temptation to Scream...: Think you know what's what??? Think again

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Think you know what's what??? Think again

Do you know what is rectus capitis anterior? Betcha dun. It is a muscle of the neck. Haha. Strike one. Do you dear readers know what the heck is a clavicle or a scapula? Heh. It is the collar bone and shoulder blade in layman's term. Strike two. Ur last chance. Who among you can tell me what is tensor fascia lata? It is a thigh muscle that models flaunt in swimwear catwalks. There. Strike three.

This is juz a few of the millions of terms that poor Xinyi has to master. And not just the names mind you. Their functions their origins and other stuff must be committed to memory as well. Sheesh. The things people study.

Which brings me to the crux of this entry. My brains (if any left) are rotting!!! I want to be able to study. I now miss the mugging days (ok even if its very little) in JC. It seems the only thing that keeps my brains going in porbably the daily newspapers and the comic books i always borrow from library. Fortunately i blog too. It has been proven that blogging is a good form of vocabularal and language practice. It is also the last line of defense against the conversion of my once all mighty English to the pathetic state of super broken King-of-England condemned form of English.

It is really sad that guys have to put away 2 years of their youth, endure a streneous 2 year break form the momentum of studying. Why??? Why cant the government implement a half study half nation slavery duration??? I sure could get used to some studying.

I now fear for the future. Ok. MY future. How am i ever going to get the momentum to study again? It is worse than starting from scratch. At least when you start from scratch, you are not confused by things of the past.

Life is bleak in the army. But it is even more terrifying when you realise that army makes not just your present but your future bleak as well. Don't you guys out there feel the same too?

Oh well. Time to book in. " I hear the call mein fuhrer!"

Till next week folks.
Stay intellectual.
Fyi. Your tongue has 8 muscles.

Hahaha. Chaos!


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