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Sunday, February 05, 2006

A short update before I leave house in 15 mins...

Gosh in a blink of an eye its already February! Its almost been a month since I last blogged. Sheesh. Anyway the reason for the short hiatus from blogging is because of too much celebrations going on!

Chinese new year celebrations both in camp and outside have left me quite a considerable increase in my waist line! Bah. And this year's red packet hau registered a career high! Never in my 21 years of Ang Pow scouraging have I ever collected this much amount of money. Hahaha. I will not disclose the amount in case someone learns of the amount and decide to break into my house to steal the money. Bwahahah.

Anyway, it getting more and more hectic by the day in Tekong now. This is the busiest time for all of us as the training programs go into full swing. Gone are the naps, swims, leisure jogs, PS2s and tv watching. Instead it is replaced with seemingly endless chains of recruits giving us trouble and we in turn returning them the favour. Sheesh. What goes around comes around eh?

Thankfully the worst is over with the 7 day field camp ending on the day before the eve of new year. It was 7 days of sh*t I tell you. Never in my one year plus stint as a BMTC instructor have I seen such a batch of screwed up recruits! Oh well. I can surely said that even the PES C batch that I took sometime ago were stronger mentally. Definitely showed more resilience and interest towards the training. Sheesh. Explicit details? Tell ya when I see ya.

Anyway its time for me to book in. And as of this week I will assume to post of platoon sergeant as the current one is going for the platoon sergeant course. Bah. More sai kang for me! Haiz. Why can't I have a peaceful journey towards my ord??? Fortunately, Here's the rough rough roughest schedule of the next few months of my training program...

Feb- Sai kang till the maggots pass out.
Mar-Maggots pass out as houseflies, month of March declared as LULL!!!
Apr- New batch of maggots enter but do I care? Cos I clear leave loh!
May- 90% civillian, 10% soldier. In proportion to the time I spend outside and in camp. Heh.
Jun- ORD LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The old bmtc adage is true...

"No matter how much sh*t you get, your ORD date remains the same."

17 more weeks to civillianhood...


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