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Monday, November 29, 2004

Back to my dear alma mater

Yes. All speculations have come to an end. I'm back in MOHAWK as an instructor!!!!!!!!! Sure feels good to be back in Mohawk company. Got ropped in by my former platoon commander who is now the company second-in-charge. Reported back to the company today. Gosh, the old memories were just too much for me to recall everything. As i walked past farmiliar grounds again, i recalled the many activities that shaped my recruit life.

While it was not a totally heavenly life, it was months of discipline learning, collective suffering, body building, endurance stretching and most importantly camraderie building. It would be hard for me to forget the names of my section commanders, much harder even to forget my fellow platoon and especially my section mates.

The months of sweat we dripped together, the push ups we did together, the low walls and barbed wires we flew over together, the miles we ran together, the rounds we fired together, the grenades we threw together, the canteen breaks we begged for together............ Sigh................
The list could go on forever i swear. I must say that the days i spent in bmt were indeed my most memorable and enjoyable days.

But things are different now. As i stood in the company office listening to the warm welcome my oc is giving me, i suddenly realised that there is indeed tremendous responsibilities to be borne as an instructor. It suddenly dawned on me how much hard work my instructors must have put in in order to train a bunch of civillians into the most disciplined company in bmtc. To all my previous instructors..................... I SALUTE YOU!

Indeed as i looked back 9 months ago when i first stepped in to the cursed island Pulau Tekong..... Sheesh. We must have been a bunch of rowdy monkeys then! I cant wait for my first batch of recruits to come. It is indeed exciting to know that you have the chance to play a part in someone's life. Even if it's just a matter of 3 months or so. I have set out many things i'd want to achieve as an instructor in Mohawk.

1. I need to lose weight! My tummy is buldging. definitely. Sit-ups and crunches here i come!

2. No more excessive canteen visits and mess vists. These subconscious eating are responsibel for my increasing waist line and decreasing number of pull ups. Away with you evil ones!

3. Not to finish last among my recruits in runs. While its impossible to be the first everytime, you cant be the last. Aint good to have your recruits shouting "Sergeant jia you!" at the finishing line eh?

4. Not to be addicted to PS2. Yes. Do not be suprised. I have a PS2 in my bunk. Courtesy of my fellow bunk mate. Late night gamingsare bursting my ear drumbs and stretching my already obvious eye bags. No more!!!! Its really addictive when a non-gamer like me starts to play games. Anybody getting my drift???

5. Maximise usage of the washing machine. Heh heh heh. No more handwashing of dirty uniforms! Say goodbye to the wrist breaking motions of wringing dry a number 4 set.

That's enough for now. There will be plenty more. You can count on that. Exciting days are clearly ahead. I'll keep you guys informed of the situation back here. Definitely many blogs of events more to come! Im excited.


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