html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> I Need an Invention, Intention, to stop Temptation to Scream...: Happy Mew Year everyone!!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy Mew Year everyone!!!

By golly I can't believe another year just shot past like that. And we're 6 days into the new year already! More astonishing would be the realisation that I have only about 7 days and 6 hours and blah blah blah to go before I leave for North Carolina! Gee.

Well at least for a start I took out elder bro's hand me down luggage so I am reminded to start packing as soon as I return from school tomorrow. This last full week in Singapore prior to the exchange would probably be fraught with loads of unwanted excitement (from packing last minute) and frenzied last minute sorting out of seemingly minor issues but when added up will give one a major headache. To further compound these frustrations with added gloom, there still are dreaded lessons and as well as an interview with the lecturer on Thursday for this one particular module that we have to clear before leaving. Ah wells.

Here's some new light-hearted pictures of Poth to scare away that dreaded start to the week if your Monday was as draggy as mine!

Poth always had a fetish for footware. Here's a picture of him lazing all over one side of my havaianas while eyeing the other side.

Poth may look damn cute here. He will even purr gently and let you rub his head. But he is the master destroyer. Hmmm. I should probably put a picture of my crocs with his many claw markings on it. With him looking so cute and purring with a funny voice every now and then its hard to punish that feline. Curse those cute eyes and soft head!!!

A sign of his dominance of the footware at the Princess' house. Look at those paw prints!

Then he acts like its not his fault that he is destroying or dirtying footware by looking cute and acting blur.

Falling asleep while hugging the pair of new balance. He was even seen fighting with the shoelaces of that shoe once, as his claws were accidentally tangled in it. Dumb cat! Haha.

This must be the ultimate act - Wearing my slippers with each side of his paw. Thought he was clever but he didn't know he got the sides of the slippers mixed up with his left paw wearing the right-sided slipper. Ha!

After some time, Poth gets bored of the shoes and lets out a big yawn before going back to sleep. Smarter Mimi far in the background is already doing just that.

That's all for cat's tales for now.

In a totally different issue here are some pictures of the students going for exchange this semester from the 37th intake!

Sze Yuan (on the left) with Anastasia. Sze yuan was kind enough to organise a get-together lunch for those leaving for the exchange. All of us are headed for the States albeit different colleges in different states.

From left: Desmond (Boston), Anastasia (North Carolina), Sze Yuan (Arizona), Felicia (California), Yan Hao (North Carolina) and lastly Zhong Hao (Boston)

I am fortunate to have the companionship of Yan Hao and Anastasia with me as we go to UNCG for the exchange! We have been doing lots of planning now and it sure is good to have friends along. Save a lot of hassle in terms of baggage items and also a lot on cost too! Yan Hao will be my roommate as well. So I reckon you readers will be seeing a lot of Ana-Yan Hao photos on the blog in the months to come!

The filled lecture hall in SIM. One of my last few lessons in that building itself. Ah wells. The happy memories remain!

Morning class till late noon tomorrow! Time to say goodbye for now!


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